Local Talk Show Directory - Your Input Needed!

Do you produce a local talk show?

Recently, PRPD was contacted by a station content colleague who thought it would be helpful to have a directory of local talk shows.


So we could share the experiences and lessons learned with each other. So we can help our colleagues get their shows up and on the right track ASAP. The station leader thought this tool could be the place to go when you're looking for the right person to call when evaluating your options, figuring out next steps, or working your way through tough problem.

If you produce a local talk show, you can help your colleagues in just 3 minutes. You can update this sheet with a few key pieces of info, and feel free to make suggestions on what else may be helpful to collect.

This is a living document and it’s the first time in a while that PRPD has convened a grassroots document like this. We believe we're stronger if we act, and learn, together so let's do it!